 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, All rights reserved.
 * Powered by [liangyafeng@duplicall.com] On 2024-04-01 14:58:00
package com.yafengliang.controller;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockMultipartFile;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

import javax.sound.sampled.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.UUID;

 * <p>Project: MicAudioToWav - RecordingController
 * <p>@Author: liangyafeng@duplicall.com On 2024-04-01 14:58:00
 * <p>@Description: 声音录制启停控制器
public class RecordingController {

    private File audioFile;
    private TargetDataLine targetDataLine;

    @GetMapping(value = "/")
    public String toIndex() {
        return "index";

    @PostMapping(value = "/startRecording")
    public String startRecording() {
        try {
            AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat(
                    44100,  // 采样率  (44100Hz是目前大多数PC机都支持的采样率,若是录制其他采样率(8k,16k等),请自行修改并确保录制软件也支持该采样率)
                    16,                  // 位数
                    1,                   // 通道数
                    true,                // 是否是可变位数
                    false                // 是否是可变通道
            DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audioFormat);

            if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(dataLineInfo)) {
                return "Microphone not supported!";

            targetDataLine = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo);

            String audioPath = "d:\\voice\\0";
            File dir = new File(audioPath);
            if (!dir.exists()) {
            String fileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".wav";
            String filePath = audioPath + File.separator + fileName;

            audioFile = new File(filePath);

            Thread recordingThread = new Thread(() -> {
                AudioInputStream audioInputStream = new AudioInputStream(targetDataLine);
                try {
                    AudioSystem.write(audioInputStream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, audioFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Failed to save file:{}", e.toString());
            return "Start recording...";
        } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
            log.error("Unable to start recording:{}", e.getMessage());
            return "Unable to start recording:" + e.getMessage();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Failed to create folder:{}", e.toString());
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * 停止录音
     * @return 停止录音
    @PostMapping(value = "stopRecording")
    public String stopRecording() {
        String processedRecording = "";
        if (targetDataLine != null) {
            targetDataLine = null;
        if (audioFile != null) {
            // 处理录音文件,例如发送到接口进行处理
            try {
                FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(audioFile);
                MultipartFile multipartFile = new MockMultipartFile("file", audioFile.getName(), "audio/wav", inputStream);
                processedRecording = processRecording(multipartFile);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Description Failed to process the recording file:{}", e.toString());
            if (!processedRecording.isEmpty()) {
                return processedRecording;
            } else {
                return "connect asr error";
        return "Error,The recording file does not exist";

     * 处理录音文件
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 文字结果
    private String processRecording(MultipartFile file) {
        // 处理录音文件,调用接口等逻辑

        // 返回文字结果
        return "Hello, this is the text result";

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