package com.ctreber.aclib.image.ico;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.ctreber.aclib.codec.AbstractDecoder;

 * <p>
 * Parent class for indexed bitmaps (1, 4, and 8 bits per pixel). The value of a
 * pixel refers to an entry in the color palette. The bitmap has a mask which is
 * a 1 BPP bitmap specifiying whether a pixel is transparent or opaque.
 * </p>
 * @author &copy; Christian Treber, ct@ctreber.com
public abstract class AbstractBitmapIndexed extends AbstractBitmap {

    private static final int OPAQUE = 255;

     * The color palette. Refered to by the pixel values. The size is expected
     * to be 2^BPP, but see getVerifiedColorCount() for a discussion of this.
    private Color[] _colorPalette;

    /** The pixel values. The value refers to an entry in the color palette. */
    protected int[] _pixels;

    private BitmapMask _transparencyMask;

     * Create a bitmap with a color table and a mask.
     * @param pDescriptor
     *            The descriptor.
    public AbstractBitmapIndexed(final BitmapDescriptor pDescriptor) {

        _pixels = new int[getWidth() * getHeight()];

     * Needed to be replaced for indexed images because they contain a color
     * palette and a mask which needs to be read as well.
     * @param pDec
     *            The decoder.
     * @throws IOException
    void read(final AbstractDecoder pDec) throws IOException {

     * @param pDec
     *            The decoder.
     * @throws IOException
    private void readColorPalette(final AbstractDecoder pDec)
            throws IOException {
        final int lColorCount = getVerifiedColorCount();
        _colorPalette = new Color[lColorCount];
        for (int lColorNo = 0; lColorNo < lColorCount; lColorNo++) {
            setColor(lColorNo, readColor(pDec));

    private Color readColor(final AbstractDecoder pDec) throws IOException {
        final int lBlue = pDec.readUInt1();
        final int lGreen = pDec.readUInt1();
        final int lRed = pDec.readUInt1();
        // "Reserved"

        return new Color(lRed, lGreen, lBlue);

     * This functions is needed b/c all classes read the bitmap, but not always
     * a color table and a mask.
     * @param pDec
     *            The decoder.
     * @throws IOException
    abstract void readBitmap(final AbstractDecoder pDec) throws IOException;

     * @param pDec
     *            The decoder.
     * @throws IOException
    private void readMask(final AbstractDecoder pDec) throws IOException {
        _transparencyMask = new BitmapMask(_descriptor);

     * Thanks to eml@ill.com for pointing out that official color count might
     * not be what it should: 2^BPP specifies the miminum size for the color
     * palette!
     * @return The verified color count.
    private int getVerifiedColorCount() {
        int lColorCount = getColorCount();
        final int lColorCount2 = 1 << _descriptor.getBPP();
        if (lColorCount < lColorCount2) {
            lColorCount = lColorCount2;
        return lColorCount;

     * Return bytes per scan line rounded up to the next 4 byte boundary.
     * @param pWidth
     *            The image width.
     * @param pBPP
     *            Bytes per pixel.
     * @return Bytes per scan line rounded up to the next 4 byte boundar.
    protected static int getBytesPerScanLine(final int pWidth, final int pBPP) {
        final double lBytesPerPixels = (double) pBPP / 8;
        int lBytesPerScanLine = (int) Math.ceil(pWidth * lBytesPerPixels);
        if ((lBytesPerScanLine & 0x03) != 0) {
            // Not on 4 byte boundary.
            lBytesPerScanLine = (lBytesPerScanLine & ~0x03) + 4;
        return lBytesPerScanLine;

     * @return BufferedImage (palette) created from the indexed bitmap.
    public BufferedImage createImageIndexed() {
        final IndexColorModel lModel = createColorModel();
        final BufferedImage lImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(),
                BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, lModel);
                .setSamples(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, _pixels);
        return lImage;

     * @return Color model created from color palette in entry.
    private IndexColorModel createColorModel() {
        final int lColorCount = getVerifiedColorCount();

        final byte[] lRed = new byte[lColorCount];
        final byte[] lGreen = new byte[lColorCount];
        final byte[] lBlue = new byte[lColorCount];
        final byte[] lAlpha = new byte[lColorCount];

        for (int lColorNo = 0; lColorNo < lColorCount; lColorNo++) {
            final Color lColor = getColor(lColorNo);
            lRed[lColorNo] = (byte) lColor.getRed();
            lGreen[lColorNo] = (byte) lColor.getGreen();
            lBlue[lColorNo] = (byte) lColor.getBlue();
            lAlpha[lColorNo] = (byte) OPAQUE;

        final IndexColorModel lModel = new IndexColorModel(8, lColorCount,
                lRed, lGreen, lBlue, lAlpha);
        return lModel;

     * @return BufferedImage (ARGB) from the indexed bitmap.
    public BufferedImage createImageRGB() {
        final BufferedImage lImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(),

        // For each pixel, copy the color information.
        for (int lYPos = 0; lYPos < getHeight(); lYPos++) {
            for (int lXPos = 0; lXPos < getWidth(); lXPos++) {
                int lRGB = getColor(lXPos, lYPos).getRGB();
                if (_transparencyMask.isOpaque(lXPos, lYPos)) {
                    // Visible (sic), set alpha to opaque
                    lRGB |= 0xFF000000;
                } else {
                    // Invisible, set alpha to transparent.
                    lRGB &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                lImage.setRGB(lXPos, lYPos, lRGB);

        return lImage;

     * Get the color for the specified point.
     * @param pXPos
     *            The x position.
     * @param pYPos
     *            The y position.
     * @return Color of the selected point.
    public Color getColor(final int pXPos, final int pYPos) {
        return getColor(getPaletteIndex(pXPos, pYPos));

     * Index into the color palette for the specified point.
     * @param pXPos
     *            The x position.
     * @param pYPos
     *            The y position.
     * @return Palette index for pixel x, y
    public int getPaletteIndex(final int pXPos, final int pYPos) {
        return _pixels[pYPos * getWidth() + pXPos];

     * Get the color for the specified color palette index.
     * @param pIndex
     *            of the color requested.
     * @return Requested color.
    public Color getColor(final int pIndex) {
        if (pIndex >= getVerifiedColorCount()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color index out of range: is "
                    + pIndex + ", max. " + getVerifiedColorCount());
        return _colorPalette[pIndex];

     * @param pIndex
     *            Color index.
     * @param pColor
     *            Color to set.
    private void setColor(final int pIndex, final Color pColor) {
        _colorPalette[pIndex] = pColor;
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