首页>代码>spring boot+jfinal的ActiveRecordPlugin重新整合林业厅会议系统>/bf/src/main/java/com/example/bf/config/JFinalTxAop.java
package com.example.bf.config;

import com.jfinal.kit.LogKit;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.ActiveRecordException;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Config;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.DbKit;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.NestedTransactionHelpException;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.tx.TxConfig;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 * @author wgw
 * @date 2018/4/13
public class JFinalTxAop {

     * 自定义JFinal 事物注解
     * value中的意思解释
     * @annotation 表示注解只能支持方法上
     * @within 表示注解在类下面所有的方法 , 暂时不使用这种方式
    private void method () {

    @Around(value = "method()", argNames = "pjp")
    public Object doAround ( ProceedingJoinPoint pjp ) throws Throwable {
        Object retVal = null;
        Config config = getConfigWithTxConfig( pjp );
        if (config == null)
            config = DbKit.getConfig();

        Connection conn = config.getThreadLocalConnection();
        // Nested transaction support
        if (conn != null) {
            try {
                if (conn.getTransactionIsolation() < getTransactionLevel( config ))
                    conn.setTransactionIsolation( getTransactionLevel( config ) );
                retVal = pjp.proceed();
                return retVal;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new ActiveRecordException( e );

        Boolean autoCommit = null;
        try {
            conn = config.getConnection();
            autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
            config.setThreadLocalConnection( conn );
            conn.setTransactionIsolation( getTransactionLevel( config ) );// conn.setTransactionIsolation(transactionLevel);

            conn.setAutoCommit( false );
            retVal = pjp.proceed();
        } catch (NestedTransactionHelpException e) {
            if (conn != null) try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                LogKit.error( e1.getMessage(), e1 );
            LogKit.logNothing( e );
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            if (conn != null) try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                LogKit.error( e1.getMessage(), e1 );
            throw t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new ActiveRecordException( t );
        } finally {
            try {
                if (conn != null) {
                    if (autoCommit != null)
                        conn.setAutoCommit( autoCommit );
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // can not throw exception here, otherwise the more important exception in previous catch block can not be thrown
                LogKit.error( t.getMessage(), t );
            } finally {
                // prevent memory leak
        return retVal;

     * 获取配置的事务级别
     * @param config
     * @return
    protected int getTransactionLevel ( Config config ) {
        return config.getTransactionLevel();

     * @param pjp
     * @return Config
    public static Config getConfigWithTxConfig ( ProceedingJoinPoint pjp ) {
        MethodSignature ms = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
        Method method = ms.getMethod();
        TxConfig txConfig = method.getAnnotation( TxConfig.class );
        if (txConfig == null)
            txConfig = pjp.getTarget().getClass().getAnnotation( TxConfig.class );

        if (txConfig != null) {
            Config config = DbKit.getConfig( txConfig.value() );
            if (config == null)
                throw new RuntimeException( "Config not found with TxConfig: " + txConfig.value() );
            return config;
        return null;
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