 * This class was automatically generated by the
 * aapt tool from the resource data it found.  It
 * should not be modified by hand.

package com.example.mofangweixin;

public final class R {
    public static final class attr {
        /** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
        public static final int color=0x7f010001;
        /** <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
        public static final int icon=0x7f010000;
        /** <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
        public static final int text=0x7f010002;
        /** <p>Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "<code>14.5sp</code>".
Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
in (inches), mm (millimeters).
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
        public static final int text_size=0x7f010003;
    public static final class dimen {
        /**  Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines. 

         Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
         (such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
         would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
        public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f040000;
        public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f040001;
    public static final class drawable {
        public static final int actionbar_add_icon=0x7f020000;
        public static final int actionbar_search_icon=0x7f020001;
        public static final int btn_bg=0x7f020002;
        public static final int chat_bg_default=0x7f020003;
        public static final int faxin=0x7f020004;
        public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020005;
        public static final int ic_menu_allfriends=0x7f020006;
        public static final int ic_menu_emoticons=0x7f020007;
        public static final int ic_menu_friendslist=0x7f020008;
        public static final int ic_menu_start_conversation=0x7f020009;
        public static final int menu_add_icon=0x7f02000a;
        public static final int menu_feedback_icon=0x7f02000b;
        public static final int menu_group_chat_icon=0x7f02000c;
        public static final int menu_scan_icon=0x7f02000d;
        public static final int mini_avatar_shadow=0x7f02000e;
        public static final int mm_listitem_grey_normal=0x7f02000f;
        public static final int mm_listitem_normal=0x7f020010;
        public static final int right=0x7f020011;
        public static final int tab_address_normal=0x7f020012;
        public static final int tab_bg=0x7f020013;
        public static final int tab_find_frd_normal=0x7f020014;
        public static final int tab_settings_normal=0x7f020015;
        public static final int tab_weixin_normal=0x7f020016;
        public static final int weixin=0x7f020017;
    public static final class id {
        public static final int action_addfriend=0x7f080013;
        public static final int action_feedback=0x7f080015;
        public static final int action_groupchat=0x7f080014;
        public static final int action_scan=0x7f080016;
        public static final int action_search=0x7f080012;
        public static final int button11=0x7f080006;
        public static final int button12=0x7f080007;
        public static final int button13=0x7f080008;
        public static final int button21=0x7f080009;
        public static final int button22=0x7f08000a;
        public static final int button23=0x7f08000b;
        public static final int button31=0x7f08000c;
        public static final int button32=0x7f08000d;
        public static final int button33=0x7f08000e;
        public static final int button41=0x7f08000f;
        public static final int button42=0x7f080010;
        public static final int button43=0x7f080011;
        public static final int id_indicator_four=0x7f080004;
        public static final int id_indicator_one=0x7f080001;
        public static final int id_indicator_three=0x7f080003;
        public static final int id_indicator_two=0x7f080002;
        public static final int id_viewpager=0x7f080000;
        public static final int imageview=0x7f080005;
    public static final class layout {
        public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;
        public static final int layout1=0x7f030001;
        public static final int layout2=0x7f030002;
        public static final int layout3=0x7f030003;
        public static final int layout4=0x7f030004;
    public static final class menu {
        public static final int main=0x7f070000;
    public static final class string {
        public static final int action_addfriend=0x7f050001;
        public static final int action_feedbck=0x7f050003;
        public static final int action_gropchat=0x7f050002;
        public static final int action_scan=0x7f050004;
        public static final int action_search=0x7f050000;
        public static final int app_name=0x7f050005;
        public static final int chatui_name=0x7f050007;
        public static final int tab_contact=0x7f050006;
        public static final int tab_found=0x7f050008;
        public static final int tab_me=0x7f050009;
    public static final class style {
        Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
        by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.

            Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
            res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
            backward-compatibility can go here.

        Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
        AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
 API 11 theme customizations can go here. 

        Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
        AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
        res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.

        public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f060000;
        /**  Application theme. 
 All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. 
        public static final int AppTheme=0x7f060001;
        public static final int weixinActionOverflowButtonStyle=0x7f060002;
    public static final class styleable {
        /** Attributes that can be used with a ChangeColorIconWithText.
           <p>Includes the following attributes:</p>
           <colgroup align="left" />
           <colgroup align="left" />
           <tr><td><code>{@link #ChangeColorIconWithText_color com.example.mofangweixin:color}</code></td><td></td></tr>
           <tr><td><code>{@link #ChangeColorIconWithText_icon com.example.mofangweixin:icon}</code></td><td></td></tr>
           <tr><td><code>{@link #ChangeColorIconWithText_text com.example.mofangweixin:text}</code></td><td></td></tr>
           <tr><td><code>{@link #ChangeColorIconWithText_text_size com.example.mofangweixin:text_size}</code></td><td></td></tr>
           @see #ChangeColorIconWithText_color
           @see #ChangeColorIconWithText_icon
           @see #ChangeColorIconWithText_text
           @see #ChangeColorIconWithText_text_size
        public static final int[] ChangeColorIconWithText = {
            0x7f010000, 0x7f010001, 0x7f010002, 0x7f010003
          <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.example.mofangweixin.R.attr#color}
          attribute's value can be found in the {@link #ChangeColorIconWithText} array.

          <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
          @attr name com.example.mofangweixin:color
        public static final int ChangeColorIconWithText_color = 1;
          <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.example.mofangweixin.R.attr#icon}
          attribute's value can be found in the {@link #ChangeColorIconWithText} array.

          <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
          @attr name com.example.mofangweixin:icon
        public static final int ChangeColorIconWithText_icon = 0;
          <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.example.mofangweixin.R.attr#text}
          attribute's value can be found in the {@link #ChangeColorIconWithText} array.

          <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
          @attr name com.example.mofangweixin:text
        public static final int ChangeColorIconWithText_text = 2;
          <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.example.mofangweixin.R.attr#text_size}
          attribute's value can be found in the {@link #ChangeColorIconWithText} array.

          <p>Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "<code>14.5sp</code>".
Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
in (inches), mm (millimeters).
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
theme attribute (in the form
containing a value of this type.
          @attr name com.example.mofangweixin:text_size
        public static final int ChangeColorIconWithText_text_size = 3;
齐吊大神  LV6 2023年4月25日
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