首页>代码>java swing编写图片相似度处理识别技术代码>/图像对比/src/Demo/ImageComparer.java
package Demo;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class ImageComparer {
	private BufferedImage sourceImage;
	private BufferedImage candidateImage;
	public ImageComparer(BufferedImage srcImage, BufferedImage canImage) {
		this.sourceImage = srcImage;
		this.candidateImage = canImage;
	public double modelMatch() {
		HistogramFilter hfilter = new HistogramFilter();
		float[] sourceData = hfilter.filter(sourceImage, null);
		float[] candidateData = hfilter.filter(candidateImage, null);
		double[] mixedData = new double[sourceData.length];
		for(int i=0; i<sourceData.length; i++ ) {
			mixedData[i] = Math.sqrt(sourceData[i] * candidateData[i]);
		// The values of Bhattacharyya Coefficient ranges from 0 to 1,
		double similarity = 0;
		for(int i=0; i<mixedData.length; i++ ) {
			similarity += mixedData[i];
		// The degree of similarity
		return similarity;

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