package servlet;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class ErrorServlet extends HttpServlet {

	 * The doGet method of the servlet. <br>
	 * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
	 * @param request the request send by the client to the server
	 * @param response the response send by the server to the client
	 * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
	 * @throws IOException if an error occurred
	public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		doPost(request, response);

	 * The doPost method of the servlet. <br>
	 * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
	 * @param request the request send by the client to the server
	 * @param response the response send by the server to the client
	 * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
	 * @throws IOException if an error occurred
	public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
			int i=0/0;
			request.setAttribute("message", i);
			request.getRequestDispatcher("/error.jsp").forward(request, response);

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