首页>代码>Flash插件FusionCharts,可以做动态报表 包含各种图>/FusionCharts_Evaluation/FusionCharts_Evaluation/Code/JSP/SourceCode/com/fusioncharts/FusionChartsHelper.java
 * Created on Oct 25, 2006
package com.fusioncharts;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

 * Contains methods to add no cache string to a url,getting colors for the charts.<br>
 * This class can be used to create chart xml given the swf filename and other<br> 
 * parameters.<br>
 * In order to use this class in your jsps,import this class and<br> 
 * call the appropriate method directly as follows:<br>
 * FusionChartsHelper.addCacheToDataURL(...);<br>
 * In order to use this class for colors call the method as shown:<br>
 * FusionChartsHelper helper = new FusionChartsHelper();<BR>
 * String color = helper.getFCColor();<BR>
 * @author InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd.
public class FusionChartsHelper {
	/*This page contains an array of colors to be used as default set of colors for FusionCharts
	'arr_FCColors is the array that would contain the hex code of colors 

	//We also initiate a counter variable to help us cyclically rotate through
	//the array of colors.
	int FC_ColorCounter=0;
	String[] arr_FCColors = new String[]{
	 "1941A5"; //Dark Blue
	 "CCCC00"; //Chrome Yellow+Green
	"999999"; //Grey
	"0099CC"; //Blue Shade
	"FF0000"; //Bright Red 
	"006F00"; //Dark Green
	"0099FF"; //Blue (Light)
	"FF66CC"; //Dark Pink
	"669966"; //Dirty green
	"7C7CB4"; //Violet shade of blue
	"FF9933"; //Orange
	"9900FF"; //Violet
	"99FFCC";//Blue+Green Light
	"CCCCFF"; //Light violet
	"669900"; //Shade of green
	//getFCColor method helps return a color from arr_FCColors array. It uses
	//cyclic iteration to return a color from a given index. The index value is
	//maintained in FC_ColorCounter

	public String getFCColor() {
		//Update index
		FC_ColorCounter += 1;
		//Return color
		return arr_FCColors[FC_ColorCounter % arr_FCColors.length];

     * Adds additional string to the url to and encodes the parameters,<br>
     * so as to disable caching of data.<br>  
     * @param strDataURL -
     *                dataURL to be fed to chart
     * @return cachedURL - URL with the additional string added

    public static String addCacheToDataURL(String strDataURL) {
	String cachedURL = strDataURL;
	// Add the no-cache string if required

	// We add ?FCCurrTime=xxyyzz
	// If the dataURL already contains a ?, we add &FCCurrTime=xxyyzz
	// We replace : with _, as FusionCharts cannot handle : in URLs
	Calendar nowCal = Calendar.getInstance();
	Date now = nowCal.getTime();
	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH_mm_ss a");
	String strNow = sdf.format(now);

	try {

	    if (strDataURL.indexOf("?") > 0) {
		cachedURL = strDataURL + "&FCCurrTime="
		+ URLEncoder.encode(strNow, "UTF-8");
	    } else {
		cachedURL = strDataURL + "?FCCurrTime="
		+ URLEncoder.encode(strNow, "UTF-8");

	} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
	    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
	    cachedURL = strDataURL + "?FCCurrTime=" + strNow;

	return cachedURL;

     * Encodes the dataURL before it's served to FusionCharts.
     * If you have parameters in your dataURL, you necessarily need to encode it.
     * @param strDataURL - dataURL to be fed to chart
     * @param addNoCacheStr - Whether to add additional string to URL to disable caching of data
     * @return String - the encoded URL

    public static String encodeDataURL(String strDataURL, String addNoCacheStr,
	    HttpServletResponse response) {
		String encodedURL = strDataURL;
		//Add the no-cache string if required
		if (addNoCacheStr.equals("true")) {
		    /*We add ?FCCurrTime=xxyyzz
		    If the dataURL already contains a ?, we add &FCCurrTime=xxyyzz
		    We send the date separated with '_', instead of the usual ':' as FusionCharts cannot handle : in URLs
		    java.util.Calendar nowCal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
		    java.util.Date now = nowCal.getTime();
		    java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(
			    "MM/dd/yyyy HH_mm_ss a");
		    String strNow = sdf.format(now);
		    if (strDataURL.indexOf("?") > 0) {
			encodedURL = strDataURL + "&FCCurrTime=" + strNow;
		    } else {
			strDataURL = strDataURL + "?FCCurrTime=" + strNow;
		    encodedURL = response.encodeURL(strDataURL);
		return encodedURL;
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